terça-feira, 17 de setembro de 2019



01.  A preposition is a terrible word to end a sentence with. Never do it.
02.  Remember to never split an infinitive.
03.  Don’t ever use double negatives.
04.  Don’t ever use contractions.
05.  And never start a sentence with a conjunction.
06.  Foreign words and phrases are not “chic”.
07.  The passive voice is to be avoided whenever possible
08.  Who needs rhetorical questions?
09.  Reserve the apostrophe for it’s proper use and omit it when its not  necessary.
10.  Use fewer with number and less with quantity. Less and less people do.
11.  Proof read carefully to see if any words out.
12.  Me and John are careful to use subject pronouns correctly.
13.  Verbs has to agree with the subject.
14.  You’ve done good to use adverbs correctly.
15.  If any word is incorrect at the end of a sentence, an auxiliary verb is.
16.  Take the bull by the hand and avoid mixing your idioms.
17.  Tell the rule about “whom” to who you like.

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